5G Network Engineer @ Cocus Portugal

Terms & conditions

Candidate personal data provided within the scope of recruitment and selection activities will be processed and stored in a database specifically created for this purpose and must be provided as they are necessary and indispensable for compliance. In that sense, you will be asked to consent the store of your data in our Application Tracking System inquiry in 1 day after contact/application.

  • For candidates without consent, personal data will be stored for 30 days
  • For candidates with consent, personal data will be stored for 6 months and an inquiry will be sent automatically 15 days before the consent expiration with the aim to extend it for 12 months.

The personal data provided within the scope of recruitment and selection activities will be processed and stored in a database specifically created for this purpose and must be provided as they are necessary and indispensable for compliance for the following purposes: assessment of the candidates' profile and respective appointment to open positions; administrative management activities; calculation and payment of remunerations, benefits, allowances and subsidies; calculation and withholding tax related to mandatory or optional discounts on remuneration, resulting from a legal provision; right to health insurance and occupational accident insurance for the worker and their household; execution of a court decision or sentence, as well as handling requests made; purposes associated with preventive medicine within the scope of safety and hygiene at work; handling of other matters related to remuneration, benefits, allowances or subsidies, and other benefits.

Candidates are guaranteed the right of access, rectification, withdrawal of consent, opposition to treatment, erasure, limitation and portability of the personal data they have transmitted. This right may be exercised at any time.

Without prejudice to the aforementioned, candidates who have transmitted their personal data may also submit, whenever they consider it relevant, a complaint to the National Control Authority, whose contact details can be consulted at https://www.cnpd.pt/.