NSOC Team Lead @ Effortel

Privacy policy

We (“We”, the “Company”), would like to provide you with information about your personal data which may be processed in a selection of job candidates organized by the Company.

This notice is intended to help you understand why and how we may use your information.

The lists and examples below are illustrative, non-exhaustive and not fully representative of each candidate within the Company.

What personal data do we process?

"Personal data" means any information about you on the base of which you could be identified, including information that can be protected in accordance with applicable national and European legislation.

The personal data being processed when selecting job candidates is the following:

Categories of personal data:

  • Information about you
  • Contacts
  • Education
  • Professional experience
  • Other data provided by you by submitting your application

Types of 'Information about you' category: Name, surname, surname, date of birth

Types of 'Contacts' category: E-mail, address and telephone

Types of 'Education' category: Educational and/or qualification degree

Types of Professional experience category: Acquired professional experience, work experience and skills

Types of 'Other data provided by you by submitting your application' category: Recommendations from previous employers

For what purposes will we use your data?

The personal data provided by you will be used for the following purposes:

- selection of candidates;

- concluding an employment contract, in case that your application is approved;

The data submitted with an application for a certain position will be processed for the specific position on the basis of your consent, demonstrated by submitting the application, or if, when applying, the application system gives you by default the choice your data provided to be used for all suitable positions.

With your consent, your application may be reserved and considered for future positions and recruitment campaigns announced by the Company.

You can request your consent for the Company to process your data for the purposes of future recruitment by noting your consent when completing the online application form.

Who can we share your personal information with?

The Company fully respects and preserves the confidentiality of your personal data.

When subject to legal requirements, the Company may disclose your personal data to the following persons:

- Service providers: When we use service providers related to human resources management, technical support of internal information systems and operational support of our activities, the Company may disclose personal data. Such disclosure shall take place only if there is a valid reason to do so and on the basis of a written agreement that the recipients provide an adequate level of protection.

How long do we store your personal data?

- Applications submitted for a specific position will be destroyed after the selection procedure is completed.

The application (s) of the successful candidate (s) with which the Company has entered into a contract will be kept in the employment file for the purposes of the employment relationship and under conditions additionally specified by the Company.

- Applications that have been agreed to be processed for future positions will be processed for a period of 24 months following the application month, or until the withdrawal of the consent to processing, if it is withdrawn before the expiry of the two-year period.