Terms & conditions

Terms and conditions

We, SIA “AGCSOFT”(The Publisher) of Hanzas iela 2A, LV-1010, Reg. Nr. 40203318616, hereinafter “the Controller”, pledge to protect and respect the privacy of our Clients as data subjects.

SIA “AGCSOFT”, as a Controller, performs the processing of personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereinafter “the Regulation”, the Personal Data Processing Law, as well as other personal data protection laws that are in force in the Republic of Latvia.

The Controller’s contact information:

Legal address: Hanzas iela 2A, Riga, LV-1010, email: [email protected], phone: (+371) 25462641.

The controller, observing what was established in the Regulation and other legislative acts that are in force in the Republic of Latvia, implemented a series of compliant technical and organizational measures that ensure the confidentiality of personal data in the field of data protection.

With the current Privacy Disclaimer, the Controller communicates how the personal data of natural persons is processed, describing the procedure of the implementation of these rights and answering other equally important questions connected with personal data protection.

The Goals and Legal Bases of Personal Data Processing

The Controller processes the personal data of natural persons for the purposes of contract preparation and conclusion, the provision of services (fulfillment of contractual obligations), customer servicing, and personnel needs, for example:

  • For the evaluation of your application upon the receipt of your resume and application letter (based on paragraph a) of the first section of article 6 of the Regulation).
  • For the purposes of human resource management, including the conclusion of a contract with the candidate (based on paragraph b) of the first section of article 6 of the Regulation).
  • For the purposes of the fulfillment of legal obligations defined in legislative acts, if it is prescribed by the legislative acts that are in force in the Republic of Latvia (based on paragraph c) of the first section of article 6 of the Regulation).
  • For the purposes of establishing a contractual relationship (based on paragraph b) of the first section of article 6 of the Regulation).
  • For the purposes of communication using the website (based on paragraph a) of the first section of article 6 of the Regulation).

Excluding cases in which we receive your agreement for the use of your data for other purposes, or when personal data processing will be necessary in order to protect the Controller’s legitimate rights (based on paragraphs a) and f) of the first section of article 6 of the Regulation).

We inform you that the listing of the data processing purposes in the Controller’s Privacy Disclaimer is not comprehensive and that personal data may be processed for purposes that are not mentioned in the Privacy Disclaimer while ensuring the lawfulness of the data processing.

We draw your attention to the fact that the Controller has to obey one of the main data processing principles mentioned in the Regulation (“accuracy”), because of which we ask you to provide the Controller with only accurate personal data and inform us in the case of any changes.

Personal Data Recipients

The personal data can be received from the Controller by government and municipal institutions in the order prescribed in normative acts and based on a written request from said institutions.

The Controller does no give out information to third parties without a legal basis. In a manner prescribed in the normative acts, the Controller registers the persons who have received information from the Controller.

The Controller can use personal data processors for the purposes of data processing. In these cases, the Controller undertakes the necessary measures to ensure that the personal data processors carry out personal data processing in accordance with the instructions of the Controller and according to the applicable normative acts, as well as demanding that corresponding safety measures be carried out.

Duration of Personal Data Storage

The durations of personal data storage are established taking into account the purpose of personal data processing and its legal basis, and as long as at least one of these criteria exists:

  • The agreement of the data subject to the corresponding data processing is in force.
  • The Controller needs to fulfill its contractual obligations.
  • The Controller has a legal responsibility to keep the data.
  • The Controller needs to realize its legitimate interests.

You Have the Rights to:

  • Contact the Controller in the manner prescribed in the legislative acts and receive information about the categories of data that the Controller possesses about you, the purposes of the processing of said data, the recipients of the personal data, and the duration of its storage.
  • Request the limitation of the processing of your personal data, object to the processing of your personal data, and request the correction (and, in certain cases, the deletion) of your personal data.
  • Revoke your agreement to one of the Controller’s purposes of data processing at any time, if the legal basis for the data processing is your agreement.
  • File a complaint to the supervising authority about a possible violation of the Regulation.


Profiling is automatic personal data processing of any kind. The Controller does not engage in this practice.